Scrap Management Recycling - Your Guide to Industrial Recycling

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Industrial recycling involves the collection, processing, and repurposing of waste materials generated in industrial settings. 

Industrial recycling often deals with larger volumes and a greater variety of materials compared to residential recycling.

Commonly recycled industrial materials include paper, plastics, metals, electronics, and certain types of hazardous waste.

Industrial recycling can reduce waste disposal costs and generate revenue from selling recyclable materials.  It also reduces carbon emissions and environmental impact.

Industrial recycling reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills, lowers greenhouse gas emissions, and conserves natural resources.

A waste audit is an assessment of a facility’s waste streams to identify types and amounts of recyclable materials.

During a waste audit, experts assess your facility’s waste streams, collect samples, and weigh them to identify recyclable materials.  This is done to develop a plan for improving the current recycling program into something more efficient and impactful.

Landfill diversion refers to the practice of redirecting waste away from landfills, usually by recycling or composting.

A diversion rate is the percentage of waste materials diverted from a landfill, usually through recycling or composting.

Improving your company’s diversion rate involves implementing effective recycling programs and continuously monitoring waste streams.  By recycling more and landfilling less your diversion rate will improve.

The social benefits of industrial recycling include job creation and promoting community well-being.

Industrial recycling often helps companies meet environmental regulations, thereby avoiding fines and penalties.

Technology in industrial recycling includes specialized software for tracking metrics and automated machinery for sorting and size reduction.

When choosing a recycling service provider, consider their certifications, range of services, and customer reviews.

The main steps in the recycling process are collection, sorting, and conversion of waste materials into new products.

Industrial recycling often grapples with issues like sorting complexities, contamination, and fluctuating market prices for recycled goods.

Contamination can degrade the quality of recyclable materials, making them less valuable or even unrecyclable. It’s crucial to keep contaminants like food waste, liquids, and non-recyclable items separate.

Weight plays a significant role in the economics of recycling. Heavier materials can often fetch better prices, but they also cost more to transport. Accurate weighing ensures fair pricing for both parties.

Sorting is the first step in the recycling chain and is crucial for quality control. Properly sorted materials are easier to process and can command higher market prices.

Gaylord boxes are large, heavy-duty boxes used for storing and transporting bulk materials. They are especially useful in industrial recycling for sorting and staging various types of recyclables.

Baling involves compressing recyclable materials into compact, manageable blocks. Baled materials are easier to handle, transport, and are often more valuable than loose materials.

Cleaner and more uniform materials are easier to process, which makes them more valuable. They often fetch better rebate pricing in the recycling market.

Yes, we recycle pallets as part of our comprehensive industrial recycling services. Pallet recycling helps to reduce landfill waste and can also provide additional revenue streams.

We recycle all types of industrial packaging, including cardboard, plastic wrap, and metal strapping. Properly recycling packaging materials minimizes waste and can be cost-effective.

To get the best rebate pricing, ensure your recyclable materials are clean, sorted, and well-documented. The higher the quality of the recyclable material, the better the price you can command.

The first step to kickstart recycling in an industrial setting is to schedule a waste audit with Scrap Management Recycling. This comprehensive assessment will identify opportunities for waste reduction and recycling.

To accurately assess the value of your scrap materials, you can either send pictures to a Scrap Management Recycling expert or schedule a waste audit. Both methods will provide you with a detailed valuation.

No, we are not permitted to handle hazardous waste. Our focus is on recyclable materials like paper, plastic, and metal.

How can I improve my company’s waste diversion rate?

Improving your waste diversion rate involves a multi-step approach, including employee training, efficient sorting, and regular monitoring. A higher diversion rate can lead to cost savings and environmental benefits.

Industrial recycling reduces the need for new raw materials, conserves energy, and minimizes greenhouse gas emissions. It’s a win-win for both your company and the planet.

Commonly recycled metals in an industrial setting include aluminum, copper, steel, and brass. Each has its own recycling process and market value.